Automated Mission Key Collection

Forgot to collect Mission Keys, again?

Read below and learn how to automate the daily collection using free tools. You will also need to use a desktop computer.

So what’s this about?

Mission Key Hunter

Every day Scopely allow you to collect free “Mission Keys” in the webstore. These are exchanged into Officer Shards in STFC. In addition, there is a monthly Mission Key Hunter “Arc Event” that gives you more rewards for, you guessed it, collecting those mission keys.

The problem is remembering to collect the keys. Snooze once there is still a weekly collection in-game. Snooze twice you miss out on rewards.
If your alliance mates snooze, everybody loses out.

Here are two simple ways to address this:

How to set up free automated Mission Key collection with Postman

To summarise briefly, you will sign up for a free Postman account, import a template collection, then configure it with your Scopely ID login, and finally set it to run on a schedule.

Step 1

Sign up for Postman

Go to and sign in or create a free account.

Step 2

Import my Collection

In Postman, hit the Import button and paste this link:

You should now see the “STFC Store” Collection, including Mission Recruit, 10 min chest and 4 hr chest (which can also be automated).

Step 3

Login to the Store

We need a store authentication token so that Scopely know it’s you when you run this stuff.

To grab yours, open in Chrome or Edge, ideally on a Desktop computer.
Locate any chest that is ready to be claimed (e.g. the 10 min one).

Step 4

Open DevTools

These are built into all Chromium based browsers, which includes Chrome, Edge, and Chromium itself. Firefox also has them and they will work in the same way.

So hit F12 on the keyboard and a tab or window should appear.
The tool we’re after is “Network”. In Microsoft Edge (shown here) it’s the tab with the WiFi icon.

Step 5

Claim the bundle

Click the ‘claim’ button and the network tab will populate with a bunch of stuff that the browser loads to make it happen.

Type “claim” into the filter box at the top to make it easier to find the information we need. This screenshot is from Chrome.

Step 6

Grab the token

Click on the ‘claim’ entry in the list that has the {i} symbol in front of it, then select “Headers”.

Scroll down to find “Authorization” within the “Request Headers” section. Copy this whole thing, minus the “Bearer” prefix, as highlighted in the screenshot.

Step 7

Paste into Postman

Back in Postman, open (click) the STFC Store collection and then the Authorization tab as shown.

Paste the key you just copied into the Token field.

Step 8


As per the comments, you might need to do this if you see an ENOTFOUND error.
In the Variables section, compare the value for API_HOST to the host shown in DevTools and simply replace it if necessary.

Step 9

Schedule daily

  1. Click “Run” (the one with the YouTube-like icon)
  2. Select only the Mission Keys request
  3. Select “Schedule Runs”
  4. Enter any name
  5. Pick a suitable time (i.e. when bundle will be next available)
  6. Be sure to enter something into Email Notifications (not shown in the video). This will notify you when collection fails.
  7. Click Schedule Run right at the bottom (not shown in the video) and celebrate your achievement with a beer (shown below).

Step 9

Renewing the token

The store authorization token is valid for about 14 days. If you’ve followed all the above, Postman should send you an email when the daily collection fails.

This may happen if:
– you login to the STFC web store
– the token simply expires

You’ll then simply need to repeat steps 3-7.

I hope this was simple enough, but if you have problems, comment below or send an email.

How to set up free automated Mission Key collection with FastTrek

FastTrek can also fully automate the daily mission key collection. FastTrek is a bot for Star Trek Fleet Command, which offers a host of ship, refinery, and station automation options. One of these is the ability to collect gifts, including Mission Keys.

In contrast to Postman as configured above, FastTrek collects all gifts whenever they are available. It even makes use of the 22 hour cooldown, so you get 13 collections in 12 days. As long as you keep it running of course, but most users do.

So here are the steps with FastTrek. Skip to Step 3 if you already have FastTrek up and running.

Plans and features correct as on 20 Nov 2024

Step 1

Sign up for FastTrek

Go to Plans & Pricing and choose an option.
Go through the checkout process to start your free trial.

Step 2

Download and Install FastTrek

Go to Download and grab your copy of the installer. It’s been verified, signed and fully secure. Just run it and follow through the installation steps to install FastTrek on your computer.

Run the game and ship detection as necessary.

Step 3

Install Chromium

In FastTrek, open Settings > Collection > Gifts

Click ‘Install Now‘ and FastTrek will install its own copy of Chromium.

Step 4

Enter your Scopely ID credentials

FastTrek securely encrypts these using your Windows account and stores them on your computer.
You can use the ‘Test’ button to try a login.
It may take some time to open the browser and perform the login sequence, and it will then show you a little message to confirm your in-game name matches what you expect.

Step 5

Enable gift collection

Checking the box means that FastTrek will now check for new gifts every 10 minutes.
It’s your choice whether you want the 10min chest or not.
Keep FastTrek running and it will continue doing this forever.

And that’s all there is to it!
Congratulations, you have just automated mission key collection in STFC 🙂

FastTrek Avatar
3 responses to “Automated Mission Key Collection”
  1. JasonB Avatar

    Tried following the postman instructions and when manually running I’m seeing the following errors:
    08:36:43 Mission Key Auto NEW started
    08:36:43 Mission Recruit
    08:36:43 POST
    08:36:43 Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
    08:36:43 Failed: Status code is 200
    08:36:43 expected PostmanResponse{ …(5) } to have property 'code'
    08:36:43 Failed: Status code is 200
    08:36:43 expected PostmanResponse{ …(5) } to have property 'code'
    08:36:43 Mission Key Auto NEW finished

  2. JasonB Avatar

    I think I found the issue. the URL in the variables was pointing to cdn-nv2 and when I F12 I’m seeing it at cdn-nv3. Swapping that in postman gives me a 404 “Bundle not found” which would be expected since it isn’t ready yet. May need to cover that in the instructions in case the URL is different (and I wonder how often that may change?)

    1. FastTrek Avatar

      Well done for persisting to find the solution and thanks for taking the time to post. I believe the host ‘follows’ you and doesn’t normally change once assigned. However, I could be completely wrong about that. I have added an additional step in the guide.

      Just as a note, this applies to the free solution using Postman. But when using FastTrek for gift collection, it does automatically use whichever host is assigned and used by the web store, so it doesn’t suffer this particular problem.

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