What’s New in FastTrek 1.2.1

Version 1.2.1 of the FastTrek STFC bot is now available

Below is a list of what’s new and improved:

Dark mode

Save your eye sight – A simple toggle lets you switch FastTrek’s own UI into Dark Mode.


Enjoy easier setting of multiple ships, and easily interrupt FastTrek for Chat, Armadas, or corrections.

Reliable Setup

Setup has been further improved to recognise that not all commanders have the same ships unlocked.

Bug fixes:

A number of adjustments have been made, including:

  • Fixed the repeat counter
  • Alliance Help now works in languages other than English
  • Avoid killing an extra hostile when Borg Cube is charged
  • Auto-reload system when Voyager can’t summon a hostile
  • Added link to FastTrek documentation for each automation mode

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