Auto-shielding now available

Fantastic News for those who fall asleep with the game: Our auto-bubbling feature is available, and we’re making it available to all plans including FastTrek Ensign and FastTrek Captain.

You can now select your desired shielding period (see image) and FastTrek will renew it within seconds of your station shield running out.

Choose from 1 hour through 1 day shields.

Please note:

  • Platinum shields (3 day and longer) are not available for the simple reason that these shields are premium. They need to be bought either in the alliance store or with real money, so we’re not going there.
  • You can try FastTrek’s reaction time by engaging in PvP with this option turned on.
  • When you don’t have the desired shield type available, FastTrek may (or may not) select the next available one of the same type.

    For example, if you select 4 hours, but don’t have any 4hr shields available, FastTrek will pick 2 hours. If you don’t have those, it will pick 1 hour. If you don’t have those, it won’t shield, but might get stuck in the shielding dialog.

    If you select 8 hours, but don’t have any 8hr shields available, FastTrek will pick 12 hours. If you don’t have those, 1 day.

    If you only have 2 hour and 12 hour shields available, but select 8 hours, FastTrek will select 12 hours.

    If you only have 12 hour and 7 day shields available, but select 8 hours, FastTrek may fail to shield.

    For these reasons please select a shield duration which you have available. I recommend sticking to 4 hours (default) or 8 hours, since these are also freely available in daily chests.

    Feedback on how to manage these situations is welcome.

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