Target Location Options

(Since 1.4.0)
Target Locations determine where your ships are sent to grind or mine when using the FastTrek Bot for Star Trek® Fleet Command.


The “Local” target location means that the ship will not be sent anywhere. It is assumed to be in the right system (or en route if currently warping).

Hostile hunt: If any hostile hunt/combat mode is set to repeat with this option, the ship will remain in the player’s home system, as there’s nowhere else to send it to.
In that case this is the fastest and most reliable option and is well suited for example if you move your base for faction rep grinding.

Mining: When repeat mining with this option, the mine will be kept in focus while the ship returns to base. This is identical to pre-1.4.0 behaviour. No other actions can be taken during this time, as losing focus from the mine would mean failing to repeat. It is very well suited for mining with a short journey.
It does not work when the mining node is in deep space, as it won’t remain in view. However, if you can park a second ship in the system to keep it visible, it will work fine.


The “System” target location uses the bookmarks system to search for a particular system name. That name must be spelled exactly as in the game. Copy and pasting from a bookmark or from is recommended when there are special characters.

If the ship is moving or warping when the bot is started, it will be considered as already in or travelling to the target system. The lookup step is skipped in that case.

Hostile Hunt: No special notes.
Mining: It isn’t currently possible to repeat mine with this option, because FastTrek does not (yet) recognise mining nodes.


The “Ship” target location allows you to use another ship as an ‘anchor’. This is very fast and reliable to switch as bookmarks and menu navigation are not involved.

It is
If the ship is moving or warping when the bot is started, it will be considered as already in or travelling to the target system. The lookup step is skipped in that case.

Hostile Hunt: Works well for modes such as the Borg Cube Cutting Beam, especially in deep space, but you do need to dedicate a second ship.
Where it also shines is Amalgam looting: place one ship in a suitable system and have it target the combat ships only. Set your Amalgam to warp to that ship and hit the surveys. That way time spent looking for the right system is minimised. However, “Numbered bookmarks” also work well for the Amalgam.
Mining: Not available

Named Bookmark

The “Named Bookmark” target location uses your bookmaks and attempts to read them with OCR. It will navigate if it finds a match.

As with system lookup, if the ship is moving or warping when the bot is started, it will be considered as already in or travelling to the target system. The lookup step is skipped in that case.

Please be aware that the game font is difficult to read and some names may not be recognised properly. You may want to experiment a little to find names that work. Upper case letters may be more reliable, and I would avoid using similar letters like ‘o0iL’ as well as accents or special characters.

It is undoubtedly the least reliable and possibly the slowest of the available options, but very flexible when it does work. The advantage of a bookmark is that it captures an exact location as opposed to ‘somewhere in the system’.

Hostile Hunt: No additional notes.
Mining: For systems with limited visibility (origin/territory and deep space) this currently only works when the node is visible. You may need a ship in the same system. In territory, even though you should be able to see into owned systems, tests show that this doesn’t always work. A fix to open the bookmark again once in the system is coming soon.

Numbered Bookmark #1-6

The “Numbered Bookmark” target location uses your bookmaks and will simply click on one of the first 6 that are visible.

As with system lookup and named bookmarks, if the ship is moving or warping when the bot is started, it will be considered as already in or travelling to the target system. The lookup step is skipped in that case.

The advantage of this option over Named bookmarks is that there is no need for OCR, thus improving reliability. There is no need to worry about the naming, and it is also faster than a system lookup due to just requiring two clicks.

The slight downside is that you are limited to 6 bookmarks, and their position affects the result. So if you decide to create a new bookmark, you will need to adjust the bookmark number for any running automations.

Hostile Hunt: No additional notes.
Mining: For systems with limited visibility (origin/territory and deep space) this currently only works when the node is visible. You may need a ship in the same system. In territory, even though you should be able to see into owned systems, tests show that this doesn’t always work. A fix to open the bookmark again once in the system is coming soon.

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