(Since 1.5.0)
Star Trek® Fleet Command has extensive refinery options. Collect the STFC Refinery automatically using FastTrek to save valuable time every day.

- Within about 5 minutes of launching or enabling this option, FastTrek will work through the refinery once.
- The refinery will run within about 5 minutes of event reset. This allows it to check if a bonus refinery is running and claim as soon as possible.
- All subsequent refines will run fully automatically based on your selections and each item’s cooldown. So for example, materials will be collected every 10 hours, while daily items are collected every 22 hours, etc.
- All collection times are slightly randomised.
Supported Refinery Items
- Materials
- G5 Bonus Crystal, Gas, Ore
- G4 Crystal, Gas, Ore
- G4 Bonus Crystal, Gas, Ore
- G4 Crystal, Gas, Ore
- G3 Bonus Crystal, Gas, Ore
- G3 Crystal, Gas, Ore
- G2 Crystal, Gas, Ore
- Ship Parts
- G5 Broken Interceptor, Explorer, Battleship, Survey Parts
- G4 Broken Interceptor, Explorer, Battleship, Survey Parts
- Continuum
- Materials Exchange
- Chaos Fragment Exchange
- Mirror Universe
- Omega Trellium Exchange
- District 56 Claim
- Mirror Expeditions Claim
- Raw Trellium A Exchange
- Raw Trellium D Exchange
- Mirror Efficiency Exchange
- Liquid Trellium D Store
- District 56
- Corrupted Cybernetic Implant
- Orion Cargo Transporter
- Holodeck Advancement
- Tokened Resources
- Forbidden Tech
- NX-01 Crew
- Rift Keys
- Mirror Dust
- Mirror Trade Down
- Liquid Omega Trellium Store
- NSEA Claim
- Trellium D Claim
- Omega Mirror Dust
- Beryllium Spheres
- Krag Vort’t Refit
- Repair Prime Particles
- Faction Event Particles
- Elite Recruit Prime Particles
- Away Teams Particles
- Territory
- ISO Grades 1, 2 and 3
- Emitters
- Diodes
- Cores
- Reactors
- Iso-Resin and Particle Bundle
- Amalgam
- Amalgam Loot exchange
- Support
- Borg Cube Refinery
- Fleet Commander SPs
- Beryllium to Titan-A Parts
- Beryllium to Veridium Isotope
- Cerritos Refinery
- Discovery Refinery
- Resources
- Swarm Biotics to Parsteel, Tritanium or Dilithium
- Swam Biominerals to Parsteel, Tritanium or Dilithium
- Frequency Modulators to Mk. II
- Borg Tech
- Uncommon Solo Exchange
- Rare Solo Exchange
- Epic Solo Exchange
- Inert Nanoprobes to Charged Nanoprobes
- Inert Nanoprobes to Active Nanoprobes
- Borg Solo Armada Directives (Vi’dar) (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Borg Solo Armada Directives (Talios) (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Independent Credits
- Federation Credits
- Klingon Credits
- Romulan Credits
- Federation Points (Faction Reputation)
- Klingon Points (Faction Reputation)
- Romulan Points (Faction Reputation)
- Latinum
- Raw Latinum Exchange
- Concentrated Latinum (Feesha) Exchange
- Mantis
- Actian Venom to Synthetic Nitrium
- Actian Venom to Synthetic Ion
- Actian Venom to Syndicate XP
- Actian Venom to Hull Fragments
- USS Voyager
- Hirogen Exchange (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Species 8472 Exchange (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Common Anomaly Samples
- Rare Anomaly Samples
- Explorer Commerce (En only)
- Battleship Commerce (En only)
- Interceptor Commerce (En only)
- Survey Commerce (En only)
- Franklin-A Commerce (En only)
- Amalgam Commerce (En only)
- Feesha Commerce (En only)
- Cerritos Commerce (En only)
- Forbidden Tech
- Refinery Credits to Fusion Rods
- Refinery Credits to Tier-up Catalyst (Control Seeker Probes)
- Refinery Credits to Tier-up Catalyst (S31 Torpedo Pods)
- Refinery Credits to Tier-up Catalyst (Dual Photon Warheads)
- Refinery Credits to Tier-up Catalyst
- Protomatter to Emblem of Assessment
- Tarka’s Isolytic Weapon Claim
- Concentrated Latinum to Forbidden Tech Fragments (Ferengi Whip)
- Refinery Credits to Mantis Reward (Breen Dampener)
- Monaveen
- Neural Net Chip Exchange (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Active Net Chip Exchange (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Choice Selection Exchange
- Automated Shipyard Exchange
- Queen’s Favour: Parsteel (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Queen’s Favour: Tritanium (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Queen’s Favour: Dilithium (En, Fr, De, Ru only)
- Isomatter
- Eviscerator Refinery
- Axion Plasma Claim
- SNW Officers (with Gorn Eviscerator)
- G4 Interceptor Parts Exchange (with Gorn Eviscerator)
- G4 Explorer Parts Exchange (with Gorn Eviscerator)
- G4 Battleship Parts Exchange (with Gorn Eviscerator)
- G4 Survey Parts Exchange (with Gorn Eviscerator)
- Volatile Isomatter to Officer Shards
- Volatile Isomatter to Artifact Pieces
- Volatile Isomatter to G4 resources
- Volatile Isomatter to G5 resources
- Enterprise NX-01
- Scrap Trade
- Xindi-Aquatic Exchange
- Picard Hugh Claim
- Picard Refit Claim
Seriously, just look at the length of that list, it’s absolutely ridiculous!
Thank you to the contributors who donated screenshots of some of these options.