Community Mod (Ripper’s Mod)

As of version 1.6.0 FastTrek fully supports the STFC Community Mod (aka Ripper’s Mod).

FastTrek will automatically detect version.dll and read in your key configuration.

Download the sample configuration

For new mod users you can download my example community_patch_settings.toml file here. Please place it in the same folder as game.exe and version.dll.

More experienced users may wish to look below for adapting their existing configuration.

UI Scale

The single most important setting is ui_scale:

ui_scale = 0.75FastTrek will only work at scale 0.75.

Zoom Presets

When Ripper’s mod is detected, FastTrek is coded to use the following zoom presets:

Preset 1For refreshing mining nodes This should be as close as possible to the node.
Preset 2Keyword Hunter If you use keyword hunter mode, you need to ensure that hostile names are visible at preset 2. If you never use keyword hunter, this doesn’t matter.
Preset 4All other Hostile Hunt FastTrek moves to this preset to find the next hostile, so make sure it is sufficiently zoomed out to see enough of the system, but possibly without causing too much headache-inducing ‘background bleed’.
This one is configurable: which preset is used for hostile hunt can be adjusted in the settings, under “Ship Abilities”.

These are the zoom presets that were used in testing and therefore recommended:

system_zoom_preset_1 = 0.1 system_zoom_preset_2 = 1100.0 system_zoom_preset_3 = 1500.0 system_zoom_preset_4 = 2000.0 system_zoom_preset_5 = 3000.0If you use keyword hunter, please ensure that hostile names are visible at preset 2. Note that 0.0 is not possible as this simply disables the preset.
zoom = 2500 (default)Tested to show hostile names at zoom_preset_2 = 1100. If you use a different number here, please adapt the presets accordingly.
Cargo View

The mod allows you to preview cargo for hostiles, stations, etc. Unfortunately this currently interferes with FastTrek’s target verification, so please turn it off

show_cargo_default = falseFastTrek can’t verify targets if true.

What is this mod, you ask?

The Community Mod for Star Trek® Fleet Command (formerly Ripper’s Mod) is a mod for the STFC game client that unlocks additional functionality in the game.

First and foremost it gives you more powerful control over key bindings/shortcuts and allows you to increase the zoom level. This makes it possible to see an entire system without panning sideways or up/down!

For manual play it allows you to remove popups for certain events, such as event scoring, winning or losing a battle, etc. It also allows you to skip the box opening animation when opening officer chests.
(tip: if you open multiple chests, buttons will be spinning and nothing happens for a while. Press Esc when this happens to get out of it immediately).

How do we benefit from the mod when using FastTrek?

The additional keyboard hotkeys make certain actions more reliable than mouse clicks, including but not limited to:

  • Confirming an attack
  • Confirming navigation
  • Opening the bookmarks screen
  • Repair and request help
  • Zooming in and out using hotkeys is instant

The zoom presets make FastTrek’s Keyword Hunter a million times better by increasing the distance at which hostile names are visible. As a result Keyword Hunter spends less time panning the view around and more time actually finding and engaging the right hostiles for you.

If you’re not entirely convinced, it is easy to enable or disable the mod, simply by renaming version.dll to something else. Spend some time learning and/or adjusting the STFC Community Mod keyboard shortcuts to your liking and you’ll have an unbeatable combination with the STFC Mod and FastTrek.


If things go wrong while using both the STFC Client Mod and FastTrek together, please remember that there are now 3 possible suspects: The game itself, the mod, and FastTrek.

For initial setup, plase ensure that you have followed the intructions at the top of this page, in particular the ui_scale setting.

Otherwise, if things no longer work after a game update, disable the mod first of all. It’s a very deep integration and might break if Scopely change things in their code.

FastTrek on the other hand is at the level of a player – it doesn’t directly integrate with the game, it just presses its buttons. But it’s a player accustomed to habit, that won’t learn itself if a button has been moved somewhere entirely different or a certain action can no longer be triggered the same way it used to.

Having disabled the mod, if the problem disappears, please check for a newer version of the mod and read their Discord. It’s likely that their team are aware and on top of things.

If those changes introduce an incompatibility between the mod and FastTrek you’re also perfectly welcome to drop me a line and check that I am working on an update.

If the problem also appears in the game without using either the mod or FastTrek, well, you know whom to blame… S*cough*ley… as usual…

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