Automatic Q Trials in STFC

You know you need them for your Forbidden Tech, but it’s just one more of those tedious tasks which happily can now be automated with FastTrek.

What are Q Trials?

Star Trek Fleet Command allows you to build the Court of Q at Ops 19. This then unlocks the “Q Trials”. In each Q Trial you have 15 minutes to beat a specific random hostile, which spawns in a random system up to 3 systems away from your home station.

The biggest reason why you’ll want to run them as much as you can is that the main reward is the Protomatter rewards. These can be spent on Forbidden Tech upgrades or exchanged in the refinery for additional Forbidden Tech related goodies.

Setting Up Q Trial Automation

  1. Crew your ship of choice.
  2. Select the ‘Q Trial’ mode and the Trial level you wish to attempt.
    Please only choose a level that you know you can beat (such as repeating 2* or even 1* if you’re currently on 3*).
  3. Enter the number of battles to attempt.
  4. Choose when to recall and how often to repeat.
  5. Hit Start (or ‘Start Paused’ if you’d like to configure other ships before FastTrek takes over)
  6. FastTrek will start the trial, send the ship, and engage as often as required.
  7. You can even ask it to collect the daily task chests afterwards.

Alternative Configurations

You can approach the Q Trial configuration in two different ways, and this should explain the possibilities:

Using “Recall if: Trials Attempted”

Let’s say you want to do 5 trials in total. You can enter 5 under “Recall if: Trials attempted”, which means “do them all in one go”. It also means that the ship won’t be repaired in-between. If the ship is destroyed, it will in this case not currently be sent out again. This mirrors how recall behaves in other automations.

Using repeats

Alternatively you can use “Do the above 5 times” and leave “Recall if” at 1.

FastTrek will now attempt one battle, go home to repair, then do the next one, etc, a total of 5 times. If the ship is destroyed, this will count as one repeat. FastTrek will repair the ship and (blindly) attempt the same fight again until the repeats are exhausted.

For this reason it is best to choose an ‘easy’ trial, such as one that you have played to the end. You’re just looking to get the daily extra Protomatter, not to advance.

Your own combination

It’s up to you how you combine the recall count and the number of repeats. If your ship is guaranteed to survive every battle, it’s faster to go with recalls. If it can do 2 battles and need a repair, maybe 2×3 or 3×2 will work well for you.


  • If you have already started a trial, please ensure that it is of the same type as you select in FastTrek. It can then finish that trial for you. If not it will get stuck trying to start a trial when another is already in progress.

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