About FastTrek

What makes a game fun?

Is it the community? Engaging and chatting with alliance members? Perhaps the joy of achieving an in-game milestone, receiving event rewards or simply new content from your favourite space-themed movie/media franchise.

Tell you what isn’t fun though: The endless grind that comes with the pursuit of the above. Having to spend hours on the game and in front of a screen just to keep up. Tapping the same thing over and over again a few billion times just to get to milestone 1 (often for meagre rewards), let alone finish milestone 4!

Enter FastTrek

FastTrek was initially created for readjusting my personal life-balance. To be able to cope with the ever-increasing demands of the game, without sacrificing ever more family time. And to improve productivity while working from home. I’d end up ‘playing’ the game instead of concentrating.

What started as a side-project (“I wonder if I can”) and a buggy Python script quickly grew into something more sophisticated. I realised that I could help hundreds or even thousands of players address some of the biggest complaints about Star Trek® Fleet Command:

  • “The Grind is too much”
  • “I wish I had more time in the day”
  • “Oh great, they’ve added another grind loop”
  • “I’ve run out of [in-game currency] again”
  • “I only ever open one chest”
  • “Auto-grinding ship XP is unreliable – hunters always stop”
  • “No more armadas, need to finish Faction Hunt”
  • “OMFG – Hostile Hunt, Battleship Hunter, Swarms, new missions AND armadas all in one night??”

Free to Play

I am a (mostly) F2P player. Occasionally I may purchase the Battle Pass (basic unlock), but I do not buy packs. They are simply too expensive. And Scopely have just increased all their prices!

But I see others spending their way through. Hundreds or thousands spent every month on a bunch of pixels. How can us small- or non-spenders possibly keep up?

FastTrek is a partial answer. It helps to stay on top of those grind loops, which in turn reduces the need to spend real money. Or at least you’ll feel there is some progress.

Being able to pull in a million+ nanoprobes on one warp token without lifting a finger is fantastic, as you’ll comfortably open 2 chests a day.
Action Venom – same thing. The extra Syndicate XP every day is 100% worth it and reduces the Syndicate progression time by months and years.

By a player for other players

So you see, I use it myself and I’m a big fan, and there are a couple of additional features and improvements I already have in mind.

If you’re interested in saving a heck of a lot of time in this game, I welcome you to join here. I don’t ask for Scopely amounts – any monies from subscriptions will allow me to enhance this fantastic tool further. For your enjoyment of life, and the game as a game rather than a chore.
And for many of us it’s really felt like a chore for a long while.

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